Everything ingenious is simple and has already been invented before us!
This statement is also true for the ingenious Pascal Machine AI project. Its creators adapted the works of the famous French mathematician Blaise Pascal to modern tasks and used the gigantic computing power of modern computers. As a result, they received a tool that allows them to make mathematical predictions with greater probability. By directing these capacities to forecasting the movement of stock index quotations, the project can make forecasts with high probability, which allows making a large number of successful transactions, exceeding the number of unsuccessful ones. And in the end – to generate profit for their investors.
Let’s take a closer look at how it all works.
What Does it Have to Do with Blaise Pascal?

Blaise Pascal was a French religious philosopher, writer, mathematician and physicist.
Chance Math & Arithmetic Machine
Pascal, already at the age of 19, began to develop his own calculating machine. His invention is considered one of the prototypes of the calculator. Pascal’s father was a tax collector, so at the age of 19, the future scientist saw how various counting operations were carried out. Already during this period, he created the first drawings of Pascaline. In total, the final development of the device took 5 years.

In theory, Pascal’s mechanism was quite simple to use, but due to the poor development of the technical side, the implementation of the scientist’s plan became a troublesome task, for which many difficulties had to be overcome. Blaise wanted his machine to simplify the performance of any complex calculations for both the educated person and the one who knew little about arithmetic. Over the course of 10 years, the researcher created more than 50 calculating machines, but he was able to sell only a small fraction of his inventions.
What Is Blaise Pascal’s Calculating Machine?
Pascaline is a small box in which there are many cogwheels (gears) interconnected. Each wheel was marked from zero to nine. In order to perform the addition operation, it was necessary to dial the summed numbers using the required number of revolutions of the gears. The wheels moved until the right number appeared. With a full turn of the remaining balance (more than 9), the gear shifted to another digit, moving the adjacent wheel by one division.
The use of wheel revolutions for the addition process was not an innovation in the scientific activity of Pascal, since this idea was voiced back in 1623 by Wilhelm Schickard. Indeed, the invention of Blaise is considered to be the transfer of the remainder to the next discharge with the full rotation of the gear. In the first “pascalines” there were five gear wheels, and with further modernization of the technology in the mechanism, their number reached eight pieces, which made it possible to work with large numbers (up to 9999999). This mechanism was actively used in various technical devices until the 20th century. Its advantage was the ability to automatically add multi-digit numbers by the device itself.
Researchers of the history of the emergence of counting mechanisms believe that Pascal created his adding machine practically from scratch, since he was not familiar with Schikkard’s project. The device surprised modern Pascal science, but due to the high cost and complexity of operation, it could not find its audience. Nevertheless, the invention of Pascal made a huge contribution to the history of the development of computer technology.
At a certain stage in his life, Pascal met a rich man, the cavalier de Mere. Cavalier de Mere, a big fan of gambling, suggested to Pascal in 1654 to solve some problems that arise under certain gaming conditions.
De Mere’s first problem, about the number of throws of two dice after which the probability of winning exceeds the probability of losing, was solved by himself, Pascal, Fermat, and Roberval. In the course of solving the second, much more difficult problem, in Pascal’s correspondence with Fermat, the foundations of the theory of probability were laid. Scientists, solving the problem of the distribution of bets between players with an interrupted series of games, used each of their analytical methods for calculating probabilities and came to the same result.
Pascal wrote “Treatise on Arithmetical Triangle” (published in 1665), in which he investigated the properties of “Pascal’s triangle” and considered its use in counting the number of combinations without resorting to algebraic formulas.
And so, based on all these early works of Pascal, the developers of Pascal Machine AI created their own project, which is already working in modern realities.
Why has nothing like this been invented before?
Pascal carried out his calculations on the triangle by hand, in long evenings. Modern computers allow you to perform 10 to 12 operations per second. Only by reaching such a huge computing power, the algorithms created by Pascal three centuries ago, can begin to work and give a concrete result for complex processes.
The Market for the Application of Pascal’s Developments
The stock market is just an excellent example of a complex system, where hundreds of different factors influence the final result: the goals of large investors and capital holders, local economic events in different countries, political events, weather events, and dozens of other equally significant factors. This is an excellent ground for applying forecasting algorithms. Taking into account hundreds of factors and processing terabytes of information, Pascal Machine AI makes forecasts and specific recommendations based on them, which are used for real trade transactions that bring real dividends.
Currently, Pascal Machine AI is trading in the stock markets with stocks of proven high-growth startups from Canada, Australia and other countries, generating significant passive income through buying and selling transactions.
How Pascal Machine AI Works
We will not go into complex algorithms for calculating the Pascal triangle (they are publicly available and you can study them yourself), we will try to explain succinctly: Pascal Machine AI receives huge amounts of information about the current state of the market, then this data is sorted and decomposed into thematic clusters. And then the algorithms created by Pascal are applied to these prepared clusters. After processing, the system has a huge list of factors with an assessment of significance and probability of occurrence. These probabilities are balanced and the final decision is generated, which serves as a trading signal to make a deal or hold on certain securities.
Earning Opportunities for Private Investors
At the moment, Pascal Machine AI is already available to work with private investors, which allows you to participate in profitable transactions involving small amounts.
Pascal Machine AI Prospects
In our opinion, the current dynamics of the development of the AI market will eventually lead to the creation of a number of competitors to the Pascal Machine AI project. Due to the fact that these projects will work in the same market, a decrease in the average return per investor is possible. But so far, we do not see working analogues, which allows Pascal Machine AI to scale and develop.